Quote from TOS ad:
"The Old Schoolhouse®Magazine enjoys regular contact with seasoned homeschoolers willing to share their wealth of specialized information. Inside, you'll find guidance and encouragement to assist you with all your planning needs. Get excited! TOS has gathered some of the best and brightest to share pointers and advice to get you going and keep you on track this year!
You may have plenty of ideas-have you considered what the Lord wants for your homeschool?
How has your homeschooling progressed this year? Is it possible that in all of the rush you have missed the hush of the Holy Spirit? Remember to let Him guide you throughout your days. His guidance, much like grace, is free to those willing to listen.
"Something happens every August. Department and discount stores put everything from socks to paper clips on sale, waiting for mothers to come. And they do. In the frenzy that is 'back to school,' mamas fill backpacks with new pencils and crayons and fill their children's closets with the newest and latest styles. It's all done just in time to get little Bobby and Suzie to school.
For many mothers, this is where back to school ends. But somewhere, there is a mother holding her babies and looking out the window watching the bus go by. She is a homeschool mother, and she is wondering if she has made a mistake. That same mother spent the summer she had hoped to spend with her children planning, planning, and re-planning the school year just to sit down on the first day to interruption after interruption and no progress. She knows homeschooling is part of God's plan for her family, but she just can't get it together. Where did she go wrong? We've all been there in our homeschooling journey. Some of us more than once. Some of us every year. And some, day after day.
Inspiration for the weary mother can be found in The New School Year: Planning Your Course and Letting the Lord Determine Your Steps from The Old Schoolhouse®. This encouraging read will teach you how to find more time in your school schedule, plan for multi-level teaching, organize Mt. Schoolwork (that pile of loose paper and hoped-for plans) and will restore your passion for educating your children at home. The New School Year will teach you how to structure your homeschool to make time for what is necessary, enjoy what is not, and will give you the tools to make this the best school year yet. So instead of catching the bus, you'll be catching butterflies!"
-Dana Warwick, Bartlett, TN
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1 comment:
What wonderful information...once again!
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