
You CAN Homeschool!

YOU CAN HOMESCHOOL! (Do I need to do a cheer? I will...) If you are thinking about homeschooling, do not fear. There is no wrong way in homeschooling. My suggestion to you is read, read, read and pray, pray, pray. There is more than enough free information on the net to get you started (Considering Homeschooling). I'm sure there are MANY books on homeschooling but I'll be honest, I've never read even one. I've been homeschooling for 12 years and I've gotten all of my info from the net.

If you are thinking about pulling your child out of public school, please read about that here: Pulling Out Of Public School. It is something that you can legally do. You will have to check into your state's homeschool laws. People do this every day. You must educate yourself before you pull out your child. READ and PRAY!

Other helpful links: Homeschooling ABC's

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