Well, it's that time again. It's the time that homeschoolers get ancy and have to make sure all loose ends are tied up before the end of the school year. It is so difficult to do any book work inside while the sun is shining and the great outdoors is calling.
I would just like to encourage you to finish strong! If you have book work to finish, here are a few ideas that may help.
*Do some of the book work outside.
*Maybe you can skip some of the problems and only do what is absolutely necessary.
*Do "reading" in the evening. (Yah, turn off the tube!)
*Go on a few last minute field trips! (museums, nature walks, state parks)
I did a quick evaluation of what the 2 Espressos have learned this year and I am pleased! I will journal this for myself later. This evaluation allowed me to feel more comfortable about taking more field trips and things like that. It also helped me to see that I did my job well, this year!
So, be encouraged! Finish strong but don't kill yourself doing it! Enjoy those kids!
Thanks for the encouragement, even though we school year round. In fact, that makes the encouragement even more important!
Hi Gal. Thanks for the encouragement. Yes..we're on the home stretch over here, too. I'm skipping math problems, and we're doing history pockets for our last month of history.
I needed this encouragement, too. I'm so ready to be finished!
It is YOU who is sweet. You do so much for others.
I wanted to share something with you:
If you get a chance, hop over to my ANIMAL TALK blog. I posted a piece that my niece wrote...her name is Janet too...my namesake!
At any rate, Janet was/is the ideal student. When Janet was barely 15 (a h.s junior because she skipped a grade) she was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a deadly bone cancer.
To make matters worse, her love was running. She was a nationally ranked athlete and training for the olympics. The cancer was in her knee. Long story short, instead of amputating her leg, the did limb salvaging surgery. She'll never run again, but at least she can walk.
She spent a year in the hospital with horrible horrible chemotherapy. Now she's 18, and just finished her first year of college with a 4.0.
I'm so proud of her and blessed by the inspiration of her courage. I save everything she writes and wanted to share.
Janet has bone scans every three months. So far, everything's okay. Please keep her in your prayers.
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