In my life this week... I have been down with sinus probs AND we found a new place to live! Woo hoo!
In our homeschool this week... Espresso (14) got Adobe Production Premiere. He is thrilled! He gets to use it to edit movies, make commercials, and stuff like that. (??? Not my thang!)
Places we're going and people we're seeing... We went to Chicago and served the poor and homeless. You can see a pic of that here: Homeward Bound. It was Double Espresso's first time and he LOVED it!
My favorite thing this week was... Double Espresso (almost 12) reading in his Science book and finding a video on YouTube about mosquitoes. So cool!
What's working/not working for us... staying up late and starting late. With our schedule, we just can't help it sometimes!
Homeschool questions/thoughts I have... It's going to be interesting moving again. Moving does disrupt our school schedule a bit. This will be 2 moves in one school year. So glad, so glad we homeschool! I guess we'll be doing more school this summer. ; )
A photo, video, link, or quote to share... An educational system isn't worth a great deal if it teaches young people how to make a living but doesn't teach them how to make a life. ~Author Unknown
Homeschooling does just that! ~ Janet
I love that quote too!
Good luck on your second move. I hope you can accomplish what is important to have a life full of happiness in all the activity!
Nice to meet you! I absolutely love your header - wish I had some creative juices to make mine prettier. Thank you for sharing the bald eagle video - my girls are animal lovers and will enjoy it. We spent a lot of time watching an owlettes cam last year. I hear you about scheduling - we often begin our school days late since we wait for my 20MO to take his nap...makes for a long school day! Good luck on your move. I look forward to following your blog.
That is an AWESOME quote!! Thanks for sharing it!! :)
We are having the same schedule struggles (late to bed, dragging up out of bed in the morning super early, OR a late start...take your pick!! LOL)
Nice to meet you!! :)
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