
One Way I Stay Sane ~ Coffee Pot Review

Remember when I posted that I was going to do a review for CSN Stores?  I said, "In order for our homeschool to function properly, I have to stay sane!"

As a homeschool mom, there are several ways that I "stay sane" and one of those ways is, my husband and I have coffee together every day. I call this our quality time.  That is the time that we catch up on our day and I either give the boys their praises due them or... tattle!
Delonghi - BCO120T - Espresso/Coffee MakerI chose to review an espresso machine / coffee maker from CSNstores.com.  This is quite a machine.  I can make espresso and coffee at the same time!  Not only that, but it has a built in frother.  I can add froth to my espresso to make a tasty cappuccino or to hot chocolate for the boys!  (Check out the video below.)
At first, I was a little intimidated by the espresso machine and frother.  My husband started making coffee right away, but I waited for 3 whole days to attempt espresso!  I had no idea that it was so easy.  I had perfect espresso and the creamiest froth the first time I tried it.  The instructions are quite simple and very easy to follow.

Price:  $99.89 with FREE shipping

This machine is such a great addition to our kitchen; I am thinking about buying another one for our church coffee shop.  It would make a delightful gift for anyone who likes coffee!

 I can't wait to have friends over for coffee and share my very special treat!    I wish I could share a nice cup of cappuccino with all of my friends in the blog-o-sphere.  After all, we homeschoolers need to stay sane together!

Not a paid review ~ All opinions are my very own! I was given a gift card in exchange for an honest review on the CSNstore website.

1 comment:

Cheryl Pitt said...

Yum - I could SO go for a decaf mocha latte with almond or soy milk.


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