
Foreign Language

Foreign languages can be difficult for a parent to teach a child if the parent doesn't yet know the language! Because of this "minor" hurdle, I will also be learning the foreign language.

We will begin to study Hebrew. My reasons vary but, if the language was important enough for God to have the original people on this earth speak it, then... it's important! Also, the Old Testament was written in Hebrew and that is important too!

Hear the Hebrew alphabet (aleph bet) pronounced

Also on that page are free downloads of flashcards, alphabet practice pages and "Let's Sing It" for kids!

Hebrew For Christians also has a FREE homeschool unit! Hebrew Curriculum Unit 1

Hebrew Lessons

Hebrew Worksheets for Kids

Find your name in Hebrew

Hebrew Made Easy (Jewish not Christian)

This is all I have found so far. If you have resources, please share!


Beautiful Mess said...

WOW! do I dare? I am a bit scared. Let me know how it goes.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the wonderful resources! There is a ministry called Messianic Ministries to Israel. I have listened to their radio program on my local Moody Radio station. They have a free music CD that includes the Hebrew alphabet song.

Go here:


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